Visit your profile, choose the course concerned from your list of courses and follow the procedure to request a refund or cancellation. You can access the form by clicking on the “Refund/Cancellation request” button. ×
Have you lost your Bill 9 proof of achievement and can’t find it in your online file? To obtain a new copy of your proof of achievement, please use the link below to request a form reproduction: Reproduction form ×
You have lost your CRFSC proof of achievement (certification obtained between 2012 and 2021) and it is not visible in your online file? Please use the link below to request a form reproduction: Reproduction form ×
You can’t find or have lost your CFSC proof of achievement or CRFSC proof of achievement (after 2021) ? We don’t process these certifications or requests for certification! Please contact the Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs. ×
Our address
C.P. 72039 Bois des Fillions. Q,C,
J6Z 4N9
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